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JRFileViewer ActiveX Control V1.1

JRFileViewer ActiveX Control V1.1

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JRFileViewer ActiveX Control Publisher's Description

JRFileViewer is a Active-X control who shows all files and folders in a single list.

the Control shows all the files and folders of the Shell's Namespace in a list, exactly as Windows Explorer does. If you add the control to your application you get the following functions:

Windows Explorer style file viewer with full icon support, auto update, virtual folders, history, and multi column sort function.

Full "selected files" support like copy, cut, paste, paste as link, rename and so on.

The Control includes a powerfull FileObject, so you can copy, delete, move, print, open. edit and do much more with any file. JRStegano is a ControlLibrary for Steganographie with Visual Studio .net

The control allow you to hide (and extract) any data file inside a perfectly normal 24-bit BMP or PNG file.
The control builds a file system inside the image there you can add so many textstrings and files as you want. (the datasize was limited by the picture width and height properties)
The datas can only be extracted by using JRStegano ControlLib. All datas will be decrypted before there be added to the picture. A optional user password builds a perfect security data file inside the picture.

-AddText, AddData, AddFile Methods
-GetText, GetData, GetFilename, GetFile and many other Functions
-ClearAllData Method (format the JRStegano picture inside filesystem)
-comes with complete on-line help and detailed demonstration project in

The distribution includes the following files:
Readme.txt This file that your reading
JRStegano.dll the JRStegano ControlLibrary
JRStegano.chm Windows-HTML-Helpfile
test.png, test.bmp Grafik files with steganographie-datas Demoproject with Source Code

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